Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Ruby Ridge, Waco, I see the similarities

Reflecting on Dorner

What will happen if and when this nation has to face not a whack job, but millions of constitutionalists who at their core believe the Bill of Rights and the 2nd Amendment that flows from that sacred document have been attacked. Those who will and do believe the 2nd Amendment is anchored in religious freedom, free speech, and the right to protect themselves from the tyranny of government and lawless elements. Those who are prepared to defend themselves, their neighbors from the lawless intrusions of government trying to limit their constitutional right to keep and bear arms.

I speculated as I watched a little "news" yesterday. The massive enforcement turn out, the probable death of that Dorner nut job. The fire. I could not think my way through the musings. So many people for 1 wacko who had no meaningful support.

Friends at Ruby Ridge called me with firsthand accounts not seen through the eyes of the media, calls from people wanting to know what their legal rights were. Government at Ruby Ridge were outnumbered more than 10 to 1 by people calling themselves patriots. Guns ready for the defense of the Weavers, trunks full of both guns and ammunition.

I speculate. If there are those who also speculate on possible outcomes of a people united in the defense of their nation, and have some thoughts they can share, I am sure I could learn from the discussion.

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