Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Is the State of the Union a civil war? Or, a revolution?

As we approach the abyss of civil war driven by the outrageous conduct of factions of the federal and various state governments, we are well guided by our founding fathers and their then declared terrorists actions to wrench with bloody hands the foundations of true freedom. Today they are called the patriots. 

Core to that freedom upon which this country was made great was the ability of the individual in defense of self, family, community, and the state to keep and bear arms. It is noted that when King George III attempted to disarm the colonies they rose up in defiance leading to the Revolutionary War.

The broad understanding of the Federal 2nd amendment in its day was correctly declared in the United States Supreme Court cases of the Heller and McDonald rulings to provide the people not only the ability to defend themselves from the tyranny of governments, but to be able to personally defend themselves by the right and force of arms.

For the state of Oregon to be admitted to the union of states comprising the Republic of the United States of America it had to submit a constitution that was not only ratified by the people of Oregon but then in turn it had to be accepted by that said Republic, which it was without reservation from the Republic. The State of Oregon reserved to its citizenry certain state constitutional fundamental guaranteed rights. One of those fundamental guaranteed rights accepted by the Republic is: "The people [of Oregon] shall have the right to bear arms for the defence [sic] of themselves, and the State, but the Military shall be kept in strict subordination to the civil power[.]" Oregon Constitution, Article 1, Section 27.

Not only is this reserved right guaranteed by the state of Oregon, it is guaranteed by the Federal government, not through the Heller and McDonald cases mentioned above, but even more directly by acceptance of these peoples declared rights through their constitution protecting them and me. See the Federal Constitution, 10th Amendment: "The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people."

It is not a federal right, but a right guaranteed to the people through the state to bear arms for our personal defense. Because the state reserved this to us with no further commentary it is not up to the Oregon State Legislature to determine limitations (gun controls) on this fundamental guaranteed right. It follows we should not have to obtain a license to carry a concealed firearms. We should not be restricted on the highways and byways in our travels with arms. We should not stand for limitations on the arms we choose to bear, whether single shot, semi automatic, or fully automatic. We should reject limitations on the magazine sizes of those arms.

There is a principal announced in all of the federal courts and state courts. That which government can regulate it can regulate to extinction. Each and every such arms regulation flies in the face of our guaranteed fundamental constitutional rights. It not only diminishes that right but can diminish that right to the point of extinction of any such rights we allow to be regulated.

Today we are challenged by the prostitutes and whores of government, those who attack the very foundations of freedom among which is the ability to stay free. They are those who would bend our will by force of unconstitutional laws such that we become political slaves, and even worse, actual slaves. As a necessary part of that process, to be successful they have to disarm us. They color those actions under the broad brushed tyranny of good intentions, and like the proverbial frog swimming in the pot, as they slowly turn up the heat of restrictions we will languish, and we will perish if we do nothing about it.

Our state, the state of Oregon, has declared that, "[A]ll men, when they form a social compact are equal in right: that all power is inherent in the people, and all free governments are founded on their authority, and instituted for their peace, safety, and happiness; and they have at all times a right to alter, reform, or abolish the government in such manner as they may thing proper." Oregon Constitution Article 1, Section 1.

As I go to bed tonight I shall pray for understanding of what 1:1 means and how to implement it in the face of the political whores and prostitutes who would deny me my fundamental God given constitutional rights. I give thanks my 1st Amendment Right has yet to be so burdened I cannot freely engage political free speech.

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