Sunday, July 7, 2013

Five Huge Prepping Mistakes

 5 Big Prepping Mistakes

There are more than five mistakes people can make obviously. These are five of the big ones that I see people make all of the time. I am not going to elaborate too deeply on these at this time to keep the posts short, memorable, and not too boring. Keep in mind that I will expand on these 5 key mistakes and others.

1) Not enough water
Clean water is one of the most important things you can have. No matter how much you have stored, you can only take so much with you if you have to leave your house. Keep water purification and bleach on hand. Do you know how to make a filter?

2) Watch out for what is trendy
Someone will come up with a good idea and suddenly it is everywhere. Read, study, learn. Just because everyone says you have to have it doesn't mean you do. Everyone wants to make a buck, and some will make theirs at the expense of anyone. Research what you are buying and ask yourself how practical it is. Can you take it with you? How much can you take with you?

3) Living off your supply/Rotation
Many will tell you not to eat your food storage. I say that depends. If you have 30 year shelf life storage, then keep it stored. When you are buying rice,wheat,flour in bulk to have storage use it up and keep buying. In other words rotate. But don't eat up your storage. Keep buying what you need to feed yourselves and remember FIFO (first in first out). You don't want to need it and find out it's bad.

4) Storing what you need
Most people store what they need. What about what everyone else needs. This is one of the most important things you can do for prepping. If you want to be able to take care of your family, you need to be prepared to take care of others. This is going to have to be an entire post/subject all on its own (Actually it will be the next post)

You also should be able to protect what you have. (also an entire series)

5) Knot having enough knowledge
Can you tie a knot to save your life?
So many people are storing food/guns&ammo/medicine but how prepared are you to use what you have? Yea, I got a satellite phone. Too bad I can't get a hold of anyone.
Yea. I got 150 lbs of wheat. How do you cook wheat?
I am out of lighter fluid. Now how do I build a fire?

Read, Study, Learn 
A handful of books that tell you how to survive are handy for more than just paper to start a  fire with. There are many good survival books out there. Make sure you are getting one that makes good sense.

Be Prepared
You will notice that there are no ads on my blog. This is not here to squeeze every penny I can out of some dupe who stumbled across my site. Every once and a while I will boost something that I think makes good sense, but you will find most supplies and food local through someone that you know for a decent price.

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