Monday, April 15, 2013

Explosions rock Boston Marathon as gun control agenda begins to peak.

About four hours into the Boston Marathon an explosion near the finish line caused chaos. About twenty seconds later it was followed by another blast.

At least 23 people were injured and 2 were left dead after the two blasts at the marathon. A small time later a third blast was heard and it is presumed that it was detonated intentionally by police officers on the scene.

This is a tragedy that will cause great debate on whether or not it was preventable or as some will say, there was no way to predict or avoid the situation.
 One thing is certain. This will cause a great number of politicians to try to figure out what laws they can pass to prevent this type of tragedy from happening again in our great nation

I do not believe that the kinds of restrictions and controls that we (our government) are trying to implement across our nation are helpful to slow or stop crime. Whether it is gun  crime or not.

  This is certainly not the scene we expected to see at the finish line of the Boston Marathon with thousands of people still to cross the finish line.

   My heart goes out to the injured, the dead, and their families today. My appreciation goes out to the law enforcement and the medical professionals that were on the scene and were able to help.

  As we (our government) are saying that more gun control will stop school shootings, and limiting magazine size will kill less people. Background checks for ammunition and no guns that we can shoot rapidly, why don't they just pass a law that would make it illegal to make and detonate bombs?

 With all the violent crime and robberies to help criminals support their drug habits, why don't they pass laws to make the sale and use of methamphetamine and heroin illegal to stop all of the use and crime created by that?
 Laws that only affect law abiding citizens are not good in any form. The new proposed gun laws will only disarm law abiding citizens, not criminals.
 While we have terrorism on our soil and North Korea issues heating, is it such a good idea to take the guns away from the people that would defend themselves and our country.

   While some acts are harder to avoid, why make it harder to avoid such acts. Let the American people defend themselves and others, and try to put a stop to things such as school shootings by arming our patriots. Not disarming them.

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