Thursday, July 5, 2012

deadly force response

Jake Pirelli wrote on FB: "having JUST passed an online concealed carry class. I'm kinda lost. It was not informative at all. I'd like to know when I can use my gun, and the repercussions that  follow a self defense shooting."

We at do not believe the on line class Jake Pirelli took was one of ours because our class addresses these issues in detail. The quick reply comes from the Oregon Statutes. They in substance say when a person is using unlawful force intended or likely to cause death or serious bodily injury then self-defense or defense of another in that person's presence is justified. We cover this in depth in a new publication that will be available in time for the Oregon State Fair, August 24th.

For more information write Roger Leach or go to our website. Copyright is held in the name of Don Leach, 2012.

An interesting side note is that Oregon does NOT require a online or life class to cover Oregon Laws. At Oregon Concealed Co. we are at this time the only online or live class I know of that does teach the standards for justification of deadly force. For more information please feel free to visit our website or write.


  1. So.. as long as I am carrying legally, I can legally use my handgun to stop force likely to cause serious bodily injury or death.

  2. Your words and actions can mean all the difference in the world between "displaying in self-defense" and "brandishing"
    If you have to use your gun in self defense, and have the chance to use your words before your gun, you should establish yourself as a defender and your attacker as such.

    I am not an attorney and in no way wish this to be taken as legal advice. If you need legal advice or council we recommend seeking out a competent attorney who is familiar with self defense law.
