And a larger discount for your friends
Thank you for your interest in Oregon Concealed TrainingOur goal is to make ourselves available for everyone to get certified to apply for their concealed handgun license
whether they want to carry in public, in the woods, or just want to have it because they can.A private class is actually less expensive than in-person and online classes
How to get your class for FREEWe only require 8 people for a private class. Depending on travel distance the number can vary. With an eight person class, the host gets their class for free. The more people in Your class, the better it is for you. If you have twelve people in your class you can get both the Oregon and Utah certifications for free. Don't stop there. You can have as many people in your class as you can comfortably seat in your location. The more people in your class the more we give you. Don't need a certificate, get some free Tannerite, a holster, food storage (Wise foods) or If you have more than fifteen people and can't fit them, we can help provide a location in your area. Two people can co-host a class and both get their Oregon class for free with a class of 12 or more people.
What if I don't know enough people?You would be amazed how fast you can fill up a class. There are so many people like you that have been thinking about this and are already looking for a class to jump into. Plus, it is a bonus to be able to take the class with people you know in the comfort of your home/office/church. Who doesn't want to save money? Besides the host incentive, everyone in your class will save $20 on their Oregon class. If you set up a class and find out that you will have more than 15 people there, please let us know so that we may be prepared to administer a class that size. Or, you can always just jump into one of our Public Classes on the schedule.
What does the class consist of?
Our four hour class qualifies for the Oregon, Utah, and Arizona permits, but you only pay for the certifications that you need/want. If you already have your Oregon and just want Utah to be able to carry in Washington or one of the other 30+ states that honor Utah's permit... Your covered. Or if you just want your Oregon license this is also the class for you. For the nonresident packets we also do the passport quality photo, fingerprints,photocopies, and we go over all paperwork to ensure it is filled out correctly so they will not send anything back for review. Don't forget Mindset and Justification of force.
Our four hour class qualifies for the Oregon, Utah, and Arizona permits, but you only pay for the certifications that you need/want. If you already have your Oregon and just want Utah to be able to carry in Washington or one of the other 30+ states that honor Utah's permit... Your covered. Or if you just want your Oregon license this is also the class for you. For the nonresident packets we also do the passport quality photo, fingerprints,photocopies, and we go over all paperwork to ensure it is filled out correctly so they will not send anything back for review. Don't forget Mindset and Justification of force.
Why do I want a Utah permit?
AUtah permit isn't for going to Utah. You can already do that with your Oregon license. When you have a Utah license, you add almost 20 states to the list of states that you can carry in. Right now that number is 34. Oregon does not have a formal reciprocity with any other states, but right now has a few states that recognize our license. Look at the attached maps. With a combination of both the Oregon and Utah permits you can carry in the majority of the continental United States. If you get the Utah certification from us we also do the fingerprints and passport quality photo for your application (you don't have to go anywhere else). When you leave our class you have everything you need for the non-resident Utah permit in an addressed envelope ready to go.
AUtah permit isn't for going to Utah. You can already do that with your Oregon license. When you have a Utah license, you add almost 20 states to the list of states that you can carry in. Right now that number is 34. Oregon does not have a formal reciprocity with any other states, but right now has a few states that recognize our license. Look at the attached maps. With a combination of both the Oregon and Utah permits you can carry in the majority of the continental United States. If you get the Utah certification from us we also do the fingerprints and passport quality photo for your application (you don't have to go anywhere else). When you leave our class you have everything you need for the non-resident Utah permit in an addressed envelope ready to go.
Frequently asked Questions. (What do I tell my friends?)
- How long is the class? Approximately 4 hours. Class time can fluctuate with questions and class participation
- What does the class consist of? We start with NRA basic pistol safety. Section 2 is Utah law and the justification of deadly force, then Oregon law. We will also go over the mindset
that you should have and work on if you are going to carry a firearm and how to incorporate that into your self defense strategy.
- How much does it cost? For those you invite, Oregon class is only $50. Utah is $75 and both together only $110 (save another $15) Yours can be free
- JANUARY SPECIAL!!! even more savings!! Host is still free. Guests are $45 Oregon, and $65 for Utah, Both only $100 Ten people in your class besides yourself will get you both your Oregon and Utah classes for free. IF you get your class on our schedule anytime in January (even if the class takes place in another month) You lock these prices in for your class.
- Are there any other costs involved? Each state has an application and background check fee.
(The state fees do not have to be paid at the class. You send them with your applications)
- Where can I carry with the different state licenses? I attaching 3 maps with this email showing what is covered with different permit combos
- Do I have to decide which class I want beforehand? No. you can decide anytime before the break (after we cover all of this in class)
- How do I pay? Some people collect class fee during registration. They can pay at the class Cash/debit/credit/check
- Does it have to be a weekend? No. We do classes 7 days a week, . The sooner you schedule, the better chance of getting exactly what you want.
Email us or call to get the scheduling process started today
Sometimes we get scheduled out pretty far. If you get a date scheduled and it does
not work out for you, we can always reschedule. Nothing is set in stone (no non-refundable deposits)
not work out for you, we can always reschedule. Nothing is set in stone (no non-refundable deposits)
As you can Imagine, we are pretty busy these days. We will try to answer and return all phone calls. We do turn our phones off and down when we are teaching, and we teach a lot. A good alternative to getting started is an email or a text. Let us know where you live (town) and when you would like to schedule your class so that we can find a good available match on our schedule (how far out? What days of the week? What time of day) We do our best to accommodate your schedules.
Roger Leach 541.337.0481
Jefferson Leach 541.570.0345
Jefferson Leach 541.570.0345
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For updates on The Law, where we will be, and specials for your loved ones
and for you to stay on top.
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