The news is ablaze with the story of Joe Biden at the Facebook town hall meeting and his comments on shotguns vs. AR-15s. The right wing has a few different spins on what was said and what it means. The left has little to say in defense. The Key points made are:
Biden says use a double barrel shotgun. It is better for home defense.
Biden says an AR is harder to aim and harder to use. (comment aimed mostly at women)
Although it is illegal to discharge a firearm in city limits he says to shoot two rounds in the air.
Here is why I think that shows that Biden knows very little about home defense, rifles, pistols, and least of all, Shotguns.
If you use a shotgun in a home invasion, you are limiting your mobility and ability inside your home. The idea that it is the best thing to grab does not make the most sense.
If the invader truly is a bad guy, blasting off two rounds from a shotgun (not at the attacker) is only going to let the attacker know your exact location. Your disarmed location.
"… You don't need an AR-15 — it's harder to aim, it's harder to use, and in fact you don't need 30 rounds to protect yourself. Buy a shotgun! Buy a shotgun!".... WELL.... Not every attacker or home invader is outside your house when you find them. Speaking of THEM, it is not always one person you have to defend against. Remember Ruby Ridge? If you have half a dozen people attacking your home, or 20, or more... Which do you feel would be harder to aim, harder to use at 50 yards? 100 yards? My double barrel shotgun is not the first choice in my mind to defend against someone shooting at me from the trees at the end of the field.
I have a test for you (it gives you yet another excuse to go shooting. Like you need one?) Take a double barrel shotgun with number 6 shot, and an AR-15 out to your range. Set up a couple targets at 100 yards. Shoot at one with the shotgun and one with the AR-15 (or AR-10, I don't discriminate). See which is more effective at 100 yards.
Sorry Joe Biden, but we do not all have secret service at our house to come running to the aid of our wives with assault rifles when they hear gunshots.
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