with a couple of fundamentals, let’s insure we are all building our
understanding of the parameters surrounding the lawful carrying of a concealed
handgun in Oregon. The common law for Oregon was compiled in the first book of General
Laws for Oregon – 1843 to 1872 by Deady and Lane.
The laws
of Oregon in this book are like the book, antiques. Whether one goes to www.abebooks.com
or some other source, we find the book generally available from $850 to $2,500,
depending on its condition. Except for their historical value, these laws are
for the most part valueless, having been changed by the legislated codified
system we call “statutes.” Within the approximately 923 pages of this book are all the laws of Oregon from territorial governance to 1872. There are no laws concerning the carrying of concealed handguns, nor is there a definition of what a concealed handgun is. We leap forward from 1872 to the present and search the Oregon Revised Statutes and Administrative Rules. Again, we find no definitions for the term “concealed handgun.” "
From Oregon Concealed - the Best Defense - Using Deadly Force - Copywrite Don Leach 2012. This how to survive book will be available in July, 2012
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