The new "Smart" gun in the news have two basic working ideas. The most popular it seems is a .22 caliber model that costs $1399 and works on RFID (Radio Frequency Indicator) technology. You have to have a watch (or ring) that sends a signal to your gun and must be within 6 inches of the gun for it to be operable (a light on the back of the firearm turns green). Thus preventing the gun to work if stolen. Right?
The other, a 1911 model, mostly is set up with fingerprint technology. Because we all know that this is the fastest most reliable safety when you need to defend yourself quickly. Actually with a lot of practice you might be able to pull this maneuver quickly even with all of the adrenaline and fear. Right?
I am not saying that owning a smart gun makes someone stupid. But how stupid do they think we are? My guns are smart guns (not electronic). They do not need a watch or ring (sold separately). They do not need a fingerprint in the right location. Do you know why they are smart? Because we are not all idiots.
I keep my guns locked up when they are not on my person.
I learn, study, and practice safety at all times
I teach my children and others safety and safe practices
My guns are in a 1200 pound safe bolted to the wall and floor
Regular Practice
I have read many news stories over the last couple of days from the pro-gunners and the anti-gunners (some story links below) that jump to conclusions and reactions of what they think the other thinks about and how they will respond to these "safer" firearms. But, there are a few things that are very important that I am not hearing people talk about. Many people assume that anybody that is pro gun is a conspiracy theorist, a nut job, or both. With that as a lead in, here are a few things to consider.
1) We promote Safety. Keep your guns out of reach etc. etc. Unfortunately, there are many people (sorry southern CA) that will rely on the technology of this new firearm. i.e.
"I don't need to put it up, no one can use it anyway" This will happen! This will promote terrible habits.
2) Electronics can fail. According to Murphy it will happen when you need it
3) In battle, the first step is to disable communication. Jam signals. disable electronics. The far left and some in our government (
such as those pushing gun restrictions and Smart guns) say that anyone that fears gun grabbers and takeovers are paranoid. That being said, with guns that rely on RFID technology to work, how hard would it be for them (Army, NATO, DHS) to disable any gun that relys on electronic tech?
4) At a price tag of $1399 plus a watch (sold separately) at $400, instead of 1 Stupid gun with too many opportunities for failure, I will instead buy two SMART guns such as these two below.